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Hard Truth 

Fact- Individuals with poor credit pay higher percentages of their income for basic services and goods such as transportation and housing. When you pay a higher percentage you have less disposable income to ward off the negative effects of job loss or illness. 


"A staggering number of American families are teetering on the edge of financial ruin. In fact, a survey from in January found that only 37 percent of Americans have enough savings to cover a $500 emergency. While it's easy to blame people for their precarious circumstances, most of them are doing the best they can with salaries that haven't kept pace with the cost of living (and particularly skyrocketing child-care costs). If most of us can't handle an unexpected $500 emergency, that means we would be financially devastated by a severe illness or job loss — and it can be nearly impossible to preserve your credit score when that kind of unexpected event occurs." Jody Allard wrote in an article titled Bad Credit Isn’t a Moral Failing  


This is true for far too many Americans. The lack of simple knowledge about the credit score and how to manage it has left the mass populous with poor credit and no way out. 


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